Fa. quickrig Carsten Günnel
Wiesener Strasse 80
D-08107 Kirchberg
fon: |
0 7 0 0 - q u i c k r i g |
+49 (37602) 676836 |
fax: |
+49 (37602) 679041 |
mobile: |
+49 (179) 20 20 152 |
mail: | info@quickrig.de | |
skype: |
welcome to quickrig - camera rig systems!
Since February 2005 the company quickrig GmbH offers special developed and constructed camera-rig-systems for automobile photography worldwide.
Our experienced staff will provide a professional service. The setup time is short and even re-mounting the rig is done fast and efficiently. While the position of the camera truss is changed horizontal and vertical in just seconds, our rig also enables a complete change of the rig-position within minutes. So, the change from a front to a back view is done with a few steps.
With these possibilities, a glass truss for easier retouching and a extreme moveable camera truss made of carbon fiber quickrig GmbH offers a universal, very flexible and fast changeable camera rig system. quickrig GmbH also develops and constructs camera mounts and rigs for special vehicles upon request (e.g. bicycles, quads, snowmobiles, bonnet - and door mounts). Camera accessories like camera-heads, magic arms, flags complete our service.